Friday, May 10, 2013


Information about drug and his use:
Fluimucil is mucolytic and is used for the lung diseases treatment, compounded by excessive formation of thick and viscous secretions such as: acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis and its exacerbations, pulmonary emphysema, mucoviscidosis, bronchiectasis.

Drug effects:
Acetylcysteine, active substance of the Fluimucil, is mucolytic remedy. It decrease viscosity as non-purulent and purulent mucus and other secretions. The mucolytic effect of acetylcysteine is based on disulfide bonds opening of the mucoprotein, thereby mucoproteinis are depolymerised. This effect is achieved by acetylcysteine sulfhydryl groups (SH).  Acetylcysteine exerts direct antioxidant effect, due to its free SH groups. Acetylcysteine increases the activity of cilia and speed mucus in bronchi. Acetylcysteine is, also, a specific antidote for paracetamol poisoning.

When you can use this drug:
Fluimucil is used in respiratory disorders compounded by excessive formation of thick and viscous secretions such as: acute bronchitis and its exacerbations, pulmonary emphysema, mucoviscidosis, bronchiectasis.

Few facts you need to know, before you start using this drug:
Warn your doctor if you take other medications, have a chronic disease, a metabolic disorder. If you are hypersensitive to the drug or have had allergic reactions to some of them.

DO NOT use this drug if:
It is known hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine or any other drug compounds of the Fluimucil. Due to the content of aspartame, patients with phenylketonuria should not take this drug. Do not give medication to people with established congenital hypersensitivity to fructose (sorbitol metabolite). If you suffer from active gastric or duodenal ulcers. Or Status astmatikus.

Warnings and precautions:
Patients with bronchial asthma should be more carefully with drug applilaction. Also if there is bronchospasm, treatment must be discontinued immediately. Cautiously applied medicine in the elderly with respiratory failure is required. In case of excess mucus dilution or softening, especially in young children and severely disabled people, it is necessary to provide suctionin of secretions. People with reduced expectorant  together with acetylcysteine therapy, need to have respiratory physiotherapy too.

The use of Fluimucil during pregnancy and breastfeeding:
Although drug testing on animals have not provided any evidence regarding to the teratogenic effects, drug use during pregnancy and lactation should be conducted, as well as other drugs, but only under direct medical supervision.

The effect of this drug on the management of motor vehicles and machinery operation:
There is no evidence that can prove drug modification on the attention and reaction time.

Important things you need to know if you take other medicines:
Please note that this information may also apply to medicines that you no longer use, as well as to those you intend to take in future. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including drug that is sold without a prescription. Acetylcysteine increases the concentration of cefuroxime into bronchial secretions. In the case of the application of this medication with cough may occur as a result of retention of secretion decreased cough reflex. It is desirable not to interfere the drug solution with other medications.

Drug use:
Dissolve the drug in half a glass of water, stir with a spoon if necessary and drink immediately.
Adults and children over 14 years:
1 Fluimucil dissolved as directed, 2-3 times a day.
Children 7 to 14 years old:
1 drug dissolved as directed, 1-2 times a day. For acute symptoms, treatment is applied 5-10 days. Treatment for chronic symptoms may continue for prolonged periods under the supervision of a physician.

If you have taken more of this drug than it has been prescribed to you:
In oral use of this drug any specific symptoms or signs even in patients treated for high-dose acetylcysteine was not observed. There are no reports about overdosing.

If you forgot to take the drug:
Take the next dose when you notice that you forgot to take the drug frequently.

What happens if you suddenly stop taking your medicine:
You can stop taking this medicine whenever you want. It won’t have any interference on your body.

Side Effects:
The drug is well tolerated. When it is used orally, in rare cases it can cause nausea and vomiting, very seldom can be no hypersensitivity reactions such as urticaria and bronchospasm. In case of any side effects, discontinue use of the drug.
For your safety, please inform your doctor before using this medicine.

1 comment:

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