Saturday, June 1, 2013


Compresse rivestite e compresse dispersibili
cefixima 400 mg. Granulatoper sospensione orale: 100 ml contengono: cefixima 2,0 g.
Compresse rivestite: cellulosa microcristallina, amido pregelatinizzato, calcio fosfa-to dibasico diidrato, magnesio stearato, idrossipropilmetilcellulosa, sodio laurilsolfato, titanio biossido, paraffina liquida. Granulato per sospensione orale: saccarosio, gomma xanthan, so-dio benzoato, aroma di fragola. Compresse dispersibili: cellulosa microcristallina, idrossipropilcellulosa, silice colloidale anidra, povidone, aroma di fragola FA 15757, aroma di fragola PV4284, magnesio stearato, saccarina calcica, colorante arancio-giallo (E110)
Antibiotico per uso sistemico, appartenente alla classe dellecefalosporine.
Trattamento delle infezioni sostenute da microorganismi sensibili alla cefixima e inparticolare: infezioni delle alte vie respiratorie (faringite, tonsillite); infezioni otorinolaringoiatriche (otite media, ecc.); infezioni delle basse vie respiratorie (polmonite, bronchite); infezioni delrene e delle vie urinarie.
Ipersensibilita` al principio attivo o ad uno qualsiasi degli eccipienti. Il me-dicinale e` inoltre generalmente controindicato nei soggetti con ipersensibilita` alle penicilline ed alle cefalosporine.
Come con tutti i medicinali sono possibili effetti indesiderati. Con le cefalospo-rine questi sono essenzialmente limitati a disturbi gastrointestinali e, occasionalmente, a fenomeni di ipersensibilita` (di tipo allergico o di altro tipo). La possibilita` di comparsa di questi ultimie` maggiore in individui che in precedenza abbiano manifestato reazioni di ipersensibilita` ed in quelli con precedenti di allergia, febbre da fieno, orticaria ed asma di natura allergica. In corsodi terapia con cefixima sono state raramente segnalate le seguenti reazioni: Gastrointestinali: glossite, nausea, vomito, pirosi, dolori addominali e diarrea. Il passaggio alla somministrazionebiquotidiana (200 mg due volte al giorno) puo` ovviare al problema della diarrea. Il manifestarsi di diarree gravi e prolungate e` stato messo in relazione con l`impiego di diverse classi di anti-biotici. In tale evenienza, si deve considerare la possibilita` di colite pseudomembranosa ed e` consigliabile consultare immediatamente il medico curante. Allergiche: anafilassi, lieve orticariao eruzioni cutanee (rash), prurito, dolori articolari (artralgia) e febbre da farmaci. Ematologiche: variazioni di alcuni parametri di laboratorio: transitoria diminuzione di alcuni tipi di globuli bian-chi (granulocitopenia, in particolare neutropenia) e delle piastrine (trombocitopenia), transitorio aumento di un altro tipo di globuli bianchi (eosinofilia). Sono stati segnalati casi di anemia emo-litica in seguito a trattamento con cefalosporine. Epatiche: transitorio aumento delle transaminasi ALT e AST, della fosfatasi alcalina e della bilirubina. Renali: transitorio aumentodell`azotemia e delle concentrazioni sieriche di creatinina. Altre reazioni segnalate sono state: anoressia, cefalea, vertigini, vaginite da Candida.
1) Gli antibiotici sono indicati solo nelle infezioni di origine batterica. 2)Gli antibiotici, ed in genere tutti i medicinali, vanno somministrati con cautela a tutti quei pazienti
che abbiano in precedenza manifestato fenomeni di allergia. E` necessario quindi sapere se ilpaziente ha avuto in passato eventuali reazioni di ipersensibilita` (allergiche o d`altro tipo) nei confronti di cefalosporine, penicilline o altri medicinali, tenendo presente che e` stato accertatoche pazienti allergici alla penicillina possono essere allergici anche alle cefalosporine (allergenicita` crociata parziale), e che, per quanto rari, sono stati segnalati casi di pazienti che hannopresentato reazioni di tipo anafilattico, specie con medicinali iniettabili. Una volta iniziata la terapia, l`insorgenza di una qualsiasi reazione di tipo allergico impone la sospensione del tratta-mento. 3) Nei pazienti con insufficienza renale grave, in emodialisi o in dialisi peritoneale la posologia di Cefixoral deve essere opportunamente ridotta. 4) Antibiotici ad ampio spettro de-vono essere somministrati con cautela in pazienti con storia di malattie gastrointestinali, particolarmente coliti. 5) Gli antibiotici vanno usati a dosaggio pieno per almeno 5 giorni, prima diconsiderarli inefficaci. E` opportuno prendere gli antibiotici agli orari prestabiliti.
L`uso indiscriminato di antibiotici puo` provocare lo sviluppo di germi non sen-sibili nonche` l`alterazione dei germi che normalmente vivono nell`intestino (flora del colon). In rarissimi casi si puo` verificare una selezione di alcuni germi (clostridi) che, aumentando di nu-mero, possono provocare una grave forma di colite detta pseudomembranosa. Casi lievi di colite di solito regrediscono spontaneamente in seguito all`interruzione del trattamento, ma se cio`non accade consultare immediatamente il medico curante. In tali casi bisogna somministrare vancomicina per via orale che rappresenta l`antibiotico di scelta in caso di colite pseudomem-branosa. Nelle forme di media o grave entita` il trattamento sara` integrato dalla somministrazione di soluzioni elettrolitiche e proteine. L`uso contemporaneo di farmaci che riducono la motilita`dell`intestino deve essere assolutamente evitato. Con l`uso di Cefixoral sono state occasionalmente rilevate variazioni, peraltro lievi e reversibili, dei parametri legati alla funzionalita` epatica,renale e della crasi ematica (trombocitopenia, leucopenia ed eosinofilia). G
RAVIDANZA ED ALLATTAMENTO. In gravidanza e durante l`allattamento, gli antibiotici, ed in genere tutti i medicinali, van-no somministrati soltanto nei casi di effettiva necessita`, sotto il diretto controllo del medico. In
particolare, benche` non sia stata dimostrata alcuna azione tossica sull`embrione e benche` lecefalosporine siano considerate relativamente sicure anche in gravidanza, e` meglio evitare la somministrazione di Cefixoral, in via cautelativa, nei primi tre mesi di gravidanza. Non si hannodati sul passaggio di Cefixoral nel latte materno. E
Se state usando altri medicinali ditelo al vostro medico. La somministrazione dellecefalosporine puo` interferire con i risultati di alcune prove di laboratorio, causando false positivita` della glicosuria con i metodi Benedict, Fehling e "Clinitest" (ma non con metodi enzimati-ci). Sono state segnalate in corso di trattamento con cefalosporine positivita` del test di Coombs (talora false).
Le dosi consigliate sono le seguenti:
400 milligrammi (mg), pari a 1 com-pressa di Cefixoral 400 mg compresse rivestite o di Cefixoral 400 mg compresse dispersibili,
per via orale una volta al giorno. La compressa rivestita di Cefixoral 400 mg deve essere deglu-tita; la compressa dispersibile di Cefixoral 400 mg puo` essere disciolta in poca acqua (e poi bevuta) oppure deglutita tal quale. L`assunzione di Cefixoral compresse dispersibili previa dis-soluzione in acqua e` particolarmente adatta ai pazienti con difficolta` di deglutizione. B
0,4 millilitri (ml) di sospensione per ogni chilo (kg) di peso corporeo, pari a 8 mg/kg, una volta
al giorno. Alla confezione di Cefixoral granulato sono annessi un misurino ed una siringa taratiper consentire il corretto dosaggio del farmaco sia nei bambini piu` grandi (misurino) che in quelli piu` piccoli (siringa dosatrice). Il seguente schema facilita il calcolo dei millilitri (ml) dasomministrare in funzione del peso corporeo. Peso Dose Dose (Kg) Giornaliera Giornaliera(mg) (mg)
10 80 4 12,5 100 5
15 120 617,5 140 7 20 160 822,5 180 9 25 200 10 27,5 220 1130 240 12
Cefixoral puo` essere somministrato sia in prossimita` che lontano dai pasti, indifferentemente. E` consigliabile assumere il farmaco all`orario prestabilito, al fine di mantenere nell`organismoconcentrazioni costanti. Schemi posologici particolari . Nei pazienti con insufficienza renale
grave (valori della clearance della creatinina <20 ml/min), in dialisi peritoneale o in emodialisi, la posologia consigliata e` di 200 mg una volta al giorno. Nei soggetti con clearance della crea-tinina > 20 ml/min., negli anziani e nei soggetti con insufficienza epatica, non sono richiesti in
genere schemi posologici particolari. Durata del trattamento. Tutti gli antibiotici devono essere usati a dosaggio pieno per almeno 5 giorni, prima di considerarli inefficaci. In base a dati clinicisperimentali, 7 giorni di terapia con Cefixoral possono essere sufficienti a curare la maggior
parte delle infezioni. Tuttavia, nei casi piu` gravi Cefixoral puo` essere utilizzato anche per 14 giorni consecutivi. oltre la scomparsa dei sintomi.
Se il paziente dimentica la dose giornaliera all`ora stabilita (per esempiola sera) dovra` assumerla appena possibile (per esempio la mattina dopo: in questo caso, nello
stesso giorno verranno assunte due dosi).
Istruzioni per la preparazione della sospensione. Al granulatocontenuto nel flacone, aggiungere acqua fino al livello indicato dalla freccia. Dopo l`aggiunta
dell`acqua, agitare bene fino a completa dispersione del granulato. Attendere qualche minuto.Qualora si evidenziasse un livello di sospensione inferiore a quello indicato dalla freccia, aggiungere ancora acqua per riportare il livello fino a quello indicato dalla freccia. Agitare ancoraenergicamente. La sospensione cosi` preparata puo` essere conservata a temperatura ambiente fino a 14 giorni, durante i quali mantiene invariata la propria attivita`. Agitare energicamente pri-ma dell`uso. Non occorre conservare in frigorifero.
Fino a 2 grammi al giorno (pari a 5 compresse da 400 mg o all`intero flacone digranulato) Cefixoral ha presentato, in volontari sani, la stessa tollerabilita` osservata nei pazienti trattati con le dosi terapeutiche consigliate. Tuttavia, in caso di ingestione/assunzione acciden-tale di una dose eccessiva di Cefixoral, avvertite immediatamente il medico o rivolgetevi al piu` vicino ospedale.
Compresse rivestite - Granulato: conservare a tempera-tura ambiente, lontano da fonti di calore. Compresse dispersibili: conservare il prodotto a temperatura non superiore a 30-oC.
Dopo l`aggiunta di acqua al granulato pediatrico, la sospensione ricostituita si conservaa temperatura non superiore a 25-oC (non in frigorifero) e rimane stabile ed attiva per 14 giorni


FDA Warns Antibiotic Zithromax Can Cause Irregular Heart Activity

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FDA Warns Antibiotic Zithromax Can Cause Irregular Heart Activity
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning stating that the commonly prescribed antibiotic azithromycin (Zithromax or Zmax) can cause irregular heart activity and result in a fatal heart rhythm.

Zithromax is widely prescribed to treat a series of infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, wheezing and COPD.

Patients with preexisting heart problems or low blood levels of potassium or magnesium are at a particularly high risk of developing this side effect of the medication.

The FDA says that doctors should be aware of the risk of fatal heart rhythm associated with azithromycin and consider prescribing alternative antibiotics among their patients with existing heart conditions or low blood-potassium/magnesium levels.

Some other alternative drugs such as fluoroquinolones also increase the risk of QT prolongation.

A revised Warnings and Precautions box on the label of azithromycin will include information about the increased risk of QT interval prolongation and Torsades de Pointes - a rare heart rhythm problem.

The new warning comes following review of a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine conducted by researchers at Vanderbilt University. The study revealed that patients who took the antibiotic were at a higher risk of developing heart problems.

Researchers looked at the health risks of several different antibiotics (azithromycin, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin ,and levofloxacin) by gathering data from over 540 million prescriptions made between 1992 to 2006. Of all the antibiotics prescribed, Zithromaz was found to cause the most heart problems.

According to the FDA statement:

"The study reported an increase in cardiovascular deaths, and in the risk of death from any cause, in persons treated with a 5-day course of azithromycin (Zithromax) compared to persons treated with amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, or no drug. The risks of cardiovascular death associated with levofloxacin treatment were similar to those associated with azithromycin treatment."


 - Inizio Pagina

· Capsule molli

Una capsula contiene:

Principio attivo:

Trimebutina maleato 150 mg

· Granulato per sospensione orale

100 g di granulato contengono:

Principio attivo:

Trimebutina base 0,787 g

· Soluzione iniettabile

Una fiala da 5 ml contiene:

Principio attivo:

Trimebutina maleato 50 mg

03.0 FORMA FARMACEUTICA - Inizio Pagina

Capsule molli.

Granulato per sospensione orale.

Soluzione iniettabile.

04.1 Indicazioni terapeutiche - Inizio Pagina

Colon irritabile.

Disturbi funzionali della motilità gastro-esofagea.

Atonia intestinale post-operatoria e preparazione agli esami endoscopici del tubo digerente (per le fiale).

04.2 Posologia e modo di somministrazione - Inizio Pagina

Capsule molli

300-450 mg/die (pari a 2-3 capsule al giorno). L’uso delle capsule è consigliato negli adulti (vedere 4.4)

Granulato per sospensione orale

ADULTI: in media 2-3 cucchiai da minestra al giorno.

BAMBINI: 1 ml di sospensione ricostituita contiene 4,8 mg di trimebutina. Un cucchiaino da caffè convenzionalmente corrisponde a 5 ml (pari a 24 mg di trimebutina).

- Fino a 6 mesi: 36 mg/die suddivisi in tre somministrazioni corrispondenti a 2,5 ml (1/2 cucchiaino da caffè) 3 volte al giorno

- Da 6 mesi a 1 anno: 48 mg/die suddivisi in 2 somministrazioni corrispondenti a 5 ml (1 cucchiaino da caffè) 2 volte al giorno.

- Da 1 anno a 5 anni: 72 mg/die suddivisi in 3 somministrazioni corrispondenti a 5 ml (1 cucchiaino da caffè) 3 volte al giorno.

- Sopra i 5 anni: 144 mg/die, suddivisi in 3 somministrazioni corrispondenti a 10 ml (2 cucchiaini da caffè) 3 volte al giorno.

Modalità di preparazione: per la preparazione estemporanea della sospensione orale, aggiungere acqua di fonte in varie riprese, finchè, a sospensione completa del granulare, il livello del liquido raggiunga la linea di fede.

Agitare il flacone prima di ogni somministrazione.

Soluzione iniettabile

Chirurgia: 100-150 mg/die (2 - 3 fiale) per via intramuscolare o endovenosa.

Diagnostica: 50-100 mg/die (1-2 fiale) per via iniettiva o per instillazione locale.

La somministrazione endovenosa deve essere effettuata lentamente (3-5 minuti) (vedere 4.4)

La soluzione non deve essere somministrata ai bambini sotto i 3 anni (vedere 4.3 e 4.4).

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04.3 Controindicazioni - Inizio Pagina

· Ipersensibilità al principio attivo o ad uno qualsiasi degli eccipienti.

· Ileo paralitico e patologia ostruttiva dell’apparato gastrointestinale.

· Colite ulcerosa.

· Megacolon tossico.

· Bambini sotto i 3 anni (solo per la soluzione iniettabile (vedere 4.2 e 4.4).

· Pazienti allergici alle arachidi o alla soia (solo per le capsule) (vedere 4.4)

04.4 Speciali avvertenze e precauzioni per l'uso - Inizio Pagina

Il farmaco non presenta rischi di assuefazione o dipendenza.

Sono stati segnalati casi di ipotensione e lipotimie. Tali effetti, in genere, riguardano la via endovenosa e si manifestano ove si adoperino dosi singole superiori a 100 mg e l’iniezione venga effettuata troppo velocemente (vedere 4.8 e 4.9).

L’impiego parenterale del prodotto deve avvenire sotto il diretto controllo del medico; in particolare l’iniezione endovenosa deve essere eseguita lentamente.

Non vi sono da osservare particolari precauzioni nell’uso della trimebutina per via orale.

L’uso delle capsule è consigliato negli adulti (vedere 4.2).

Soluzione iniettabile

Per la presenza di alcool benzilico il prodotto per via parenterale non deve essere somministrato ai bambini al di sotto dei 3 anni (vedere 4.3)

La soluzione iniettabile contiene sodio cloruro: da tenere in considerazione in persone con ridotta funzionalità renale o che seguono una dieta a basso contenuto di sodio.

Granulato per sospensione orale

La sospensione contiene saccarosio di ciò tenga conto in pazienti diabetici e di in quelli sottoposti a regimi dietetici ipocalorici. I pazienti affetti da rari problemi di intolleranza al fruttosio, da malassorbimento di glucosio-galattosio o da insufficienza di sucrasi isomaltasi, non devono assumere questo medicinale.

Il sodio metileparaidrossibenzoato contenuto nella sospensione può causare reazioni allergiche (anche ritardate) (vedere 4.8).

Capsule molli

Il sodio etileparaidrossibenzoato e il sodio propileparaidrossibenoato contenuto nelle capsule possono causare reazioni allergiche (anche ritardate) (vedere 4.8).

Questo medicinale contiene soia: non somministrare in pazienti allergici alle arachidi e alla soia (vedere 4.3)


Important Safety Information and Indications for Seroquel XR and Seroquel

Elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis (having lost touch with reality due to confusion and memory loss) treated with this type of medicine are at an increased risk of death, compared to placebo (sugar pill). Seroquel XR and Seroquel are not approved for treating these patients.
Antidepressants have increased the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions in some children, teenagers, and young adults. Patients of all ages starting treatment should be watched closely for worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, unusual changes in behavior, agitation, and irritability. Patients, families, and caregivers should pay close attention to any changes, especially sudden changes in mood, behaviors, thoughts, or feelings. This is very important when an antidepressant medicine is started or when the dose is changed. Report any change in these symptoms immediately to the doctor. Seroquel XR is not approved for patients under the age of 18 years. Seroquel is not approved for patients under the age of 10 years.
  • Stop Seroquel XR or Seroquel and call your doctor right away if you have some or all of the following symptoms: high fever; stiff muscles; confusion; sweating; changes in pulse, heart rate, and blood pressure. These may be symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), a rare and serious condition that can lead to death
  • High blood sugar and diabetes have been reported with Seroquel XR, Seroquel, and medicines like them. If you have diabetes or risk factors such as obesity or a family history of diabetes, your doctor should check your blood sugar before you start taking Seroquel XR or Seroquel and also during therapy. If you develop symptoms of high blood sugar or diabetes, such as excessive thirst or hunger, increased urination, or weakness, contact your doctor. Complications from diabetes can be serious and even life threatening
  • Increases in triglycerides and in LDL (bad) cholesterol and decreases in HDL (good) cholesterol have been reported with Seroquel XR and Seroquel. Your doctor should check your cholesterol levels before you start Seroquel XR or Seroquel and during therapy
  • Weight gain has been reported with Seroquel XR and Seroquel. Your doctor should check your weight regularly
  • Tell your doctor about any movements you cannot control in your face, tongue, or other body parts, as they may be signs of a serious condition called tardive dyskinesia (TD). TD may not go away, even if you stop taking Seroquel XR or Seroquel. TD may also start after you stop taking Seroquel XR or Seroquel
  • Other risks include feeling dizzy or lightheaded upon standing, decreases in white blood cells (which can be fatal), or trouble swallowing. Tell your doctor if you experience any of these
  • Increases in blood pressure have been reported with Seroquel in children and teenagers. Your doctor should check blood pressure in children and adolescents before starting Seroquel and during therapy
  • Before starting treatment, tell your doctor about all prescription and nonprescription medicines you are taking. Also tell your doctor if you have or have had low white blood cell count, seizures, abnormal thyroid tests, high prolactin levels, heart or liver problems, or cataracts. An eye exam for cataracts is recommended at the beginning of treatment and every 6 months thereafter
  • Since drowsiness has been reported with Seroquel XR and Seroquel, you should not participate in activities such as driving or operating machinery until you know that you can do so safely. Avoid becoming overheated or dehydrated while taking Seroquel XR or Seroquel. Do not drink alcohol while taking Seroquel XR or Seroquel
  • Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant. Avoid breast-feeding while taking Seroquel XR or Seroquel
  • For Seroquel XR, the most common side effects in adults are drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, increased appetite, upset stomach, weight gain, fatigue, disturbance in speech and language, and stuffy nose. For Seroquel, the most common side effects in adults are drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, weakness, abdominal pain, a sudden drop in blood pressure upon standing, sore throat, weight gain, sluggishness, abnormal liver tests, and upset stomach. The most common side effects in children and adolescents are drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue, increased appetite, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, and weight gain
  • Do not stop taking Seroquel XR or Seroquel without talking to your doctor. Stopping Seroquel XR or Seroquel suddenly may cause side effects
This is not a complete summary of safety information. Please discuss the full Prescribing Information for both products with your health care provider.


Seroquel XR is a once-daily tablet approved in adults for (1) add-on treatment to an antidepressant for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) who did not have an adequate response to antidepressant therapy; (2) acute depressive episodes in bipolar disorder; (3) acute manic or mixed episodes in bipolar disorder alone or with lithium or divalproex; (4) long-term treatment of bipolar disorder with lithium or divalproex; and (5) schizophrenia. Seroquel is approved for (1) acute depressive episodes in bipolar disorder in adults; (2) acute manic episodes in bipolar disorder in adults when used alone or with lithium or divalproex; (3) acute manic episodes in bipolar disorder in children and adolescents ages 10 to 17 years; (4) long-term treatment of bipolar disorder in adults with lithium or divalproex; (5) schizophrenia in adults and (6) schizophrenia in adolescents ages 13-17 years.







Apresentação de Plasil

compr. 10 mg cx. c/ 20 un. sol. inj. 10mg/2ml cx. c/ 100 amp. Gotas fr. 4 mg/ml c/ 10 ml sol. 1mg/ml fr. c/ 100 ml

Contra-indicações de Plasil

Em pacientes com antecedentes de hipersensibilidade aos componentes da fórmula. A metoclopramida não deve ser utilizada nos casos em que a estimulação da motilidade gastrintestinal seja perigosa, como por exemplo na presença de hemorragia, obstrução mecânica ou perfuração gastrintestinal. A metoclopramida não deve ser utilizada em pacientes epiléticos ou que estejam recebendo outras drogas que possam causar reações extrapiramidais, uma vez que a freqüência e intensidade destas reações podem ser aumentadas. A metoclopramida é contra-indicada em pacientes com feocromocitoma, pois pode desencadear crise hipertensiva, devido à provável liberação de catecolaminas do tumor. Tal crise hipertensiva pode ser controlada com fentolamina.

Reações adversas / Efeitos colaterais de Plasil

As mais frequentes são inquietação, sonolência, fadiga e lassidão, que ocorrem em aproximadamente 10% dos pacientes. Com menor frequência pode ocorrer insônia, cefaléia, tontura, náuseas, sintomas extrapiramidais, galactorréia, ginecomastia, erupções cutâneas, incluindo urticária ou distúrbios intestinais.

Plasil - Posologia

ADULTOS COMPRIMIDOS: 1 comprimido, 3 vezes ao dia, 10 minutos antes das refeições. INJETÁVEL: 1 ampola cada 8 horas, i.m. ou e.v. SOLUÇÃO ORAL: 2 colheres das de chá (10 ml), 3 vezes ao dia, 10 minutos antes das refeições. CRIANÇAS A dose não deverá exceder de 0,5 mg/kg/dia e o tratamento deve começar com a dose mais baixa. 5 a 14 anos: 2,5 - 5 mg, 3 vezes ao dia. 3 a 5 anos: 2 mg, 2 a 3 vezes ao dia. 1 a 3 anos: 1 mg, 2 a 3 vezes ao dia. Abaixo de 1 ano: 1 mg, 2 vezes ao dia. Exame radiológico do trato gastrintestinal: 1 a 2 ampolas, i.m. ou e.v., 10 minutos antes do início do exame.


 - General Information:
A dopamine D2 antagonist that is used as an antiemetic. [PubChem]

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Reglan (Metoclopramide) is a gastrointestinal stimulant used to treat gastroesophageal reflux and erosions/ulcers of the esophagus. It is also used to treat nausea, vomiting, heartburn, prolonged fullness after meals, and loss of appetite in patients with diabetes (diabetic gastroparesis). It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.

Plasil, although chemically related to procainamide, does not possess local anesthetic or antiarrhythmic properties. Plasil is used to enhance GI motility, to treat diabetic gastroparesis, as an antinauseant, and to facilitate intubation of the small bowel during radiologic examination. Plasil may be used to treat chemotherapy-induced emesis and as a radiosensitizing agents in the treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma and glioblastomas in the future.

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Plasil for patients

Metoclopramide may impair the mental and/or physical abilities required for the performance of hazardous tasks such as operating machinery or driving a motor vehicle.The ambulatory patient should be cautioned accordingly.
Plasil Interactions

The effects of metoclopramide on gastrointestinal motility are antagonized by anticholinergic drugs and narcotic analgesics. Additive sedative effects can occur when metoclopramide is given with alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics, or tranquilizers.

The finding that metoclopramide releases catecholamines in patients with essential hypertension suggests that it should be used cautiously, if at all, in patients receiving monoamine oxi-dase inhibitors.

Absorption of drugs from the stomach may be diminished (e.g., digoxin) by metoclopramide, whereas the rate and/or extent of absorption of drugs from the small bowel may be increased (e.g., acetaminophen, tetracycline, levodopa, ethanol, cyclosporine).

Gastroparesis (gastric stasis) may be responsible for poor diabetic control in some patients. Exogenously administered insulin may begin to act before food has left the stomach and lead to hypoglycemia. Because the action of metoclopramide will influence the delivery of food to the intestines and thus the rate of absorption, insulin dosage or timing of dosage may require adjustment.

Plasil Contraindications

Metoclopramide should not be used whenever stimulation of gastrointestinal motility might be dangerous, e.g., in the presence of gastrointestinal hemorrhage, mechanical obstruction, or perforation.

Metoclopramide is contraindicated in patients with pheochro-mocytoma because the drug may cause a hypertensive crisis, probably due to release of catecholamines from the tumor. Such hypertensive crises may be controlled by phen-tolamine.

Metoclopramide is contraindicated in patients with known sensitivity or intolerance to the drug.

Metoclopramide should not be used in epileptics or patients receiving other drugs which are likely to cause extrapyramidal reactions, since the frequency and severity of seizures or extrapyramidal reactions may be increased.

Additional information about Plasil
Plasil Indication: For the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Mechanism Of Action: Plasil inhibits gastric smooth muscle relaxation produced by dopamine, therefore increasing cholinergic response of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle. It accelerates intestinal transit and gastric emptying by preventing relaxation of gastric body and increasing the phasic activity of antrum. Simultaneously, this action is accompanied by relaxation of the upper small intestine, resulting in an improved coordination between the body and antrum of the stomach and the upper small intestine. Plasil also decreases reflux into the esophagus by increasing the resting pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter and improves acid clearance from the esophagus by increasing amplitude of esophageal peristaltic contractions. Plasil's dopamine antagonist action raises the threshold of activity in the chemoreceptor trigger zone and decreases the input from afferent visceral nerves. Studies have also shown that high doses of metoclopramide can antagonize 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors in the peripheral nervous system in animals.
Drug Interactions: Atovaquone The agent decreases the effect of atovaquone
Cyclosporine Plasil increases serum levels of cyclosporine
Levodopa Levodopa decreases the effect of metoclopramide
Succinylcholine The agent increases the effect of succinylcholine
Venlafaxine Possible serotoninergic syndrome with this combination
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Metoclopramide
Synonyms: Metaclopramide; Metaclopromide; Methochlopramide; Methoclopramide; Metochlopramide; Metoclopramida [Inn-Spanish]; Metoclopramide Hcl; Metoclopramide Hydrochloride; Metoclopramidum [Inn-Latin]
Drug Category: Antiemetics; Prokinetic Agents; Dopamine Antagonists
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved; Investigational
Other Brand Names containing Metoclopramide: Apo-Metoclop; Cerucal; Clopra; Clopra-Yellow; Clopromate; DEL; Duraclamid; Elieten; Emetid; Emperal; Eucil; Gastrese; Gastro-Timelets; Gastrobid; Gastromax; Gastronerton; Gastrosil; Gastrotablinen; Gastrotem; Imperan; Maxeran; Maxolon; Meclopran; Metamide; Metoclol; Metoclopramide Intensol; Metoclopramide Omega; Metocobil; Metramid; Moriperan; Mygdalon; Neu-Sensamide; Nu-Metoclopramide; Octamide; Parmid; Paspertin; Peraprin; Plasil; Pms-Metoclopramide; Pramiel; Pramin; Primperan; Reclomide; Reglan; Reliveran; Terperan;
Absorption: Rapidly and well absorbed (oral bioavailability 80±15.5%).
Toxicity (Overdose): Oral, mouse LD50: 280 mg/kg. Signs of overdose include drowsiness, disorientation, and extrapyramidal reactions.
Protein Binding: 30%
Biotransformation: Hepatic
Half Life: 5-6 hr
Dosage Forms of Plasil: Liquid Oral
Liquid Intravenous
Tablet Oral
Liquid Intramuscular
Chemical IUPAC Name: 4-amino-5-chloro-N-(2-diethylaminoethyl)-2-methoxybenzamide
Chemical Formula: C14H22ClN3O2

Lyrica capsules

Active ingredient    Manufacturer
Epilepsy    Pregabalin    Pfizer
How does it work?..

Lyrica capsules and oral solution both contain the active ingredient pregabalin, which is a medicine that is used for three different purposes - treating epilepsy, nerve pain and anxiety.

The way in which pregabalin works is not fully understood. It is thought to work by binding to calcium channels found on nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This reduces the release of various neurotransmitters from these nerve cells.

Neurotransmitters are natural body chemicals that are stored in nerve cells. They are involved in transmitting messages between the nerve cells. Pregabalin is thought to reduce the release of neurotransmitters called glutamate, noradrenaline and substance P.

Glutamate is a neurotransmitter that acts as a natural 'nerve-exciting' agent. It is released when electrical signals build up in nerve cells and subsequently excites more nerve cells. It is thought to play a key role in causing epileptic seizures. Reducing the release of glutamate from the nerve cells in the brain is thought to help stabilise the electrical activity in the brain and prevent epileptic fits.

Pregabalin is used as an add-on treatment for adults whose epilepsy has not been well controlled by other anti-epileptic medicines. It is used to prevent partial seizures, and partial seizures that spread to secondary generalised seizures.

Glutamate, substance P and noradrenaline are also involved in transmitting pain signals in the brain and nervous system. As pregabalin reduces the release of these neurotransmitters it can also be used to treat nerve pain occuring as a result of damage to or a disturbance in the function of nerves (neuropathic pain). It can be used for peripheral neuropathic pain, ie nerve pain in the hands, legs or feet, or central neuropathic pain, eg as a result of a spinal cord injury.

Pregabalin can also used to treat generalised anxiety disorder, which is another condition thought to involve overactivity of glutamate, substance P and noradrenaline in the brain.
What is it used for?

    Epilepsy - used as an add-on therapy for adults with partial seizures with or without secondary generalisation.
    Nerve pain (peripheral and central neuropathic pain) in adults, for example due to diabetic neuropathy, following shingles (post-herpetic neuralgia) or due to spinal cord injury.
    Generalised anxiety disorder in adults.

How do I take it?

    Lyrica capsules and oral solution can be taken either with or without food.
    Lyrica capsules or oral solution are usually taken two to three times a day. The dose prescribed depends on the individual, the condition being treated and how well it is controlled. You should follow the instructions given by your doctor. These will also be printed on the dispensing label that your pharmacist has put on the medicine. Try to space your doses evenly over the day.
    If you have epilepsy it is important to take your medication regularly, as directed by your doctor, because missing doses can trigger seizures in some people. If you have trouble remembering to take your medicine you should ask your pharmacist for advice. You may find a pill reminder box helpful.
    You should not stop taking this medicine suddenly unless your doctor tells you otherwise, as this may result in your seizures, nerve pain or anxiety returning or getting worse. If it is decided that you should stop taking this medicine, the dose should usually be reduced gradually over at least a week. Follow the instructions given by your doctor.


    This medicine may cause dizziness, sleepiness, confusion or blurred vision and so may reduce your ability to drive or operate machinery safely. Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how this medicine affects you and you are sure it won't affect your performance.
    This medicine may increase the effects of alcohol.
    There may be a small increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviour in people taking antiepileptic medicines such as pregabalin for any condition. For this reason, it is very important to seek medical advice if you, or someone else taking this medicine, experience any changes in mood, distressing thoughts, or feelings about suicide or self-harm at any point while taking this medicine. For more information speak to your doctor or pharmacist.
    This medicine may cause skin reactions. You should let your doctor know if you develop a rash, skin peeling, itching, or other unexplained skin reaction while taking this medicine.
    This medicine may sometimes cause allergic reactions, including angioedema. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience difficulty breathing or swallowing, or swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat while taking this medicine.
    Some people have experienced withdrawal symptoms after stopping treatment (long-term or short-term) with this medicine. These have included insomnia, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, flu syndrome, nervousness, depression, pain, sweating and dizziness.

Use with caution in

    Elderly people.
    Decreased kidney function.
    Severe heart failure.
    Diabetes (people with diabetes who gain weight during treatment may need an alteration in their dose of blood sugar lowering medicine).
    People with a history of substance abuse.

Not to be used in

    Lyrica capsules contain lactose and are not suitable for people with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.
    This medicine is not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, because the manufacturer has not studied its safety and efficacy in this age group.

This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.

If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.

    The safety of this medicine during pregnancy has not been established. It should not be used during pregnancy unless your doctor considers that the benefits to the mother clearly outweigh any potential risks to the developing baby.
    Women who could get pregnant should use an effective method of contraception to prevent pregnancy while taking this medicine. Seek medical advice from your doctor. This medicine does not affect hormonal contraceptives such as the pill.
    It is not known if this medicine passes into breast milk. For this reason, breastfeeding is not recommended while taking this medicine. Seek medical advice from your doctor.

Label warnings

    Warning. May cause drowsiness. If affected do not drive or operate machinary.
    Do not stop taking this medicine except on your doctor's advice.

Side effects

Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. Just because a side effect is stated here does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.
Very common (affect more than 1 in 10 people)


Common (affect between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100 people)

    Fatigue or lethargy.
    Difficulty sleeping (insomnia).
    Increased appetite and weight gain.
    Euphoric mood.
    Confusion, feeling disorientated.
    Sexual problems such as decreased sex drive or erectile dysfunction (impotence).
    Shaky movements and unsteady walk (ataxia).
    Tremor, abnormal coordination.
    Problems with speech, memory or attention.
    Blurred or double vision.
    Disturbances of the gut such as constipation, vomiting, flatulence (wind).
    Dry mouth.
    Excessive fluid retention in the body tissues, resulting in swelling (oedema).

Uncommon (affect between 1 in 100 and 1 in 1000 people)

    Mood swings, depressed mood, personality changes.
    Abnormal dreams, hallucinations.
    Agitation, restlessness.
    Panic attack.
    Changes in sensation such as burning sensations or numbness (hypoaesthesia).
    Visual disturbances such as difficulty seeing fine detail, decreased peripheral vision.
    Eye pain or swelling; watery or dry eyes.
    Oversensitive hearing.
    Increased heart rate.
    Increased or decreased blood pressure.
    Hot flushes, sweating.
    Dizziness on standing up, fainting.
    Dry nose.
    Shortness of breath.
    Abdominal swelling, acid reflux, increased salivation.
    Pain, stiffness, cramps or twitching in the muscles.
    Joint pain or swelling.
    Loss of appetite.
    Low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia).
    Difficulty or pain passing urine, urinary incontinence.

Rare (affect between 1 in 1000 and 1 in 10,000 people)

    Decreased numbers of white blood cells in the blood (neutropenia).
    Loss of peripheral vision, cross-eyes.
    Dilated pupils, eye irritation.
    Abnormal heartbeat.
    Cold hands and feet.
    Cough, blocked nose, nosebleeds, snoring, throat tightness.
    Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
    Kidney failure.
    Breast pain, enlargement or discharge.
    Painful periods or stopping of periods.

The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the medicine's manufacturer.

For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the information provided with the medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist.
How can this medicine affect other medicines?

You should tell your doctor or pharmacist what medicines you are already taking, including those bought without a prescription and herbal medicines, before you start treatment with this medicine. Similarly, check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medicines while taking this one, to make sure that the combination is safe.

This medicine is not known to interact significantly with other medicines. However, if it makes you feel sleepy or dizzy, this effect is likely to be increased if you take it in combination with other medicines that can cause drowsiness, for example:

    benzodiazepines such as lorazepam
    muscle relaxants, eg baclofen
    strong opioid painkillers such as morphine, codeine, oxycodone.

There may be an increased chance of getting constipated if strong opioid painkillers such as morphine or codeine are taken in combination with this medicine.

This medicine does not affect hormonal contraceptives such as the pill.
Other medicines containing the same active ingredient

There are currently no other medicines available in the UK that contain pregabalin as the active ingredient.

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